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Possum Bourne w stanie krytycznym

Właściciel Browaru

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Kierowca N-kowego Subaru Imprezy, walczący o Mistrzostwo Świata Samochdów Produkcyjnych, miał bardzo ciężki wypadek... :(:(:( ... =1&id=4012


Dziś rano w okolicach Queenstown w Nowej Zelandii podczas rekonesansu przed wyścigiem górskim "Reach for the Sky" na górze Cardrona doszło do groźnego wypadku z udziałem Possuma Bourne i Mike Barltropa.


Zderzenie miało miejsce w tumanach kurzu, Barltrop najprawdopodobniej nie zauważył zjeżdżającego z góry Subaru Forestera Bourne'a i uderzył w niego czołowo swoim Jeepem. Forester był na tyle zniszczony, że ekipy ratunkowe były zmuszone rozciąć karoserię, aby wydobyć kierowcę.


Obaj poszkodowani zostali odtransportowani helikopterem do odległego o 170 kilometrów szpitala w Dunedin. Stan Bourne'a określany jest jako "status pierwszy" - jest to w Nowej Zelandii najwyższy stopień medycznego zagrożenia. Kierowca ma urazy głowy, klatki piersiowej i nóg. Stan Barltropa jest stabilny.


Bourne jest wielokrotnym rajdowym Mistrzem Azji i Pacyfiku (1993, 1994 i 2000), w tym sezonie zgłosił się do rywalizacji w Production Car World Rally Championship. Podczas raju Nowej Zelandii musiał się wycofać po OS5 z powodu awarii silnika. Po ostatnim odcinku przejechanym bez problemów (OS4) był na tym rajdzie na pierwszym miejscu w klasyfikacji PCWRC.

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Kurcze, nad PC wisi jakieś fatum - kierowcy albo nie kończą rajdu, albo ich dyskwalifikują (to szczegolnie dotyczy naszych asów), albo im wybucha silnik (Arai w Szwecji), teraz ten wypadek....

Mam nadzieje, ze bedzie juz tylko lepiej.

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Nowozelandzki kierowca rajdowy Possum Bourne nadal jest w stanie krytycznym po wypadku, do jakiego doszło wczoraj rano. Obecnie jest operowany w szpitalu w Dunedin.


Oficjalne oświadczenie, wydane dziś o godzinie 13:40 czasu miejscowego, brzmi: "Bourne jest w tej chwili na sali operacyjnej i przechodzi zabieg ortopedyczny. Personel robi wszystko, aby zapewnić możliwie najlepszy powrót do zdrowia".


W tym samym oświadczeniu rodzinna Possuma dziękowała za podtrzymujące na duchu wsparcie, jakie wraz z Possum Bourne Motorsport otrzymuje.

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No właśnie problem w tym Wojtek, że zarówno Bourne i Theunissen, jak i oczywiście matka Schumacherów, nie zostali poszkodowani podczas rywalizacji sportowej... :( I to jest najgorsze, bezsensowna śmierć Theunissena, niepotrzebny wypadek Bourne'a, no a Schumacherowa też miała dopiero 55 lat i pożyć jeszcze mogła... ... =1&id=4018

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To jest najtrudniejszy post jaki pisze. Niestety Possum Bourne nie zyje :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: . Lekarze ocenili ze jego obrazenia sa na tyle ciezkie ze juz nie mialo sensu podtrzymywania go na aparaturze i lekarze podjeli decyzje o odlaczeniu Go od tej aparatury. Heh, nie wiem co tu jeszcze mozna napisac...Podobnie jak Rocco ktory byl takim ambasadorem rajdow Holandii to Possum reperezentowal Nowa Zelandie. Juz od kilku lat podziwialem Possuma za to ze jest taki wierny marce Subaru. Naprawde szkoda, ze juz nigdy nie zobaczymy Go w tej rajdowce. Ta smierc jak Rocca byla nie potrzebna, jak chyba kazda smierc... :cry: Plakac az sie chce...

Spij w spokoju Possum [']

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Juz sam nie wiem, poprostu mnie emocje wziely, tez sie nad tym zastanawiam bo te informacje troche nie sprecyzowane sa, chodz ostatnie zdanie daje do myslenia "Dzisiejsza ocen, w skład której wchodziło skanowanie mózgu, potwierdziła, że odniesione obrażenia są bardzo poważne i dalsze działanie aparatury podtrzymującej życie nie jest uzasadnione." heh

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Wlasciciel Browaru rzeczywiscie wziely mnie emocje, bo pozniej przeczytalem ze zostal odlaczona tylko czesc aparatury a nie cala, wiec mimo, ze szanse sa nie wielkie to jednak sa i bede sie modlic zeby jeszcze z tego wyszedl. I przepraszam za wczesniejsze informacje.

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Statement from the Family, April 29th


Peggy and Possum's family remain by Possum's bedside in Dunedin Hospital.

Possum has now been removed from all life support equipment but is getting the best possible care from the hospital staff.

The family continues to take strength from Possum's courage to the end, as well as the messages of support from throughout New Zealand, Australia and around the world.

No further statements will be made until there is a significant change in Possum's condition.


- - - - - - - -


29 April 2003




New Zealand's finest rally driver, Possum Bourne, is clinging to life

today as friends and family gather at his Dunedin bedside while his

life support is gradually decreased.



Possum Bourne Motor Sport general manager Murray Brown told the

Waikato Times today he was on his way to Dunedin Hospital and would

remain there for 'as long as it takes'.


Bourne has been in an induced coma since suffering massive injuries

in a head-on crash near Queenstown on April 18.


His family said the brain injury Bourne suffered in the smash was

severe. Continuing full life support 'is no longer in Possum's best



Decreasing Bourne's life support would leave his chances of

survival 'virtually nil' and it was not known how long Bourne would

survive, Mr Brown said.


'That's something no one knows, it's anybody's guess.'


The decision to stop life support was made yesterday by his family

with advice from medical staff.


The extent and severity of the injury was not fully apparent until

last weekend, when ventilation support was decreased. A brain scan

yesterday confirmed the severity of the injury.


'It was a very difficult decision for everyone, but in the end it is

in the interest of Possum,' Mr Brown said.


'He hasn''t been alone the whole time he's been in hospital and he

certainly won't be now,' he said.


Mr Brown said Bourne's family were 'understandably very upset'.


'We''re all just numb, but I think we always knew it was going to come

to this.'


Mr Brown said Bourne's family - wife Peggy and children Taylor,

Spencer and Jazlin - had been encouraged by a massive outpouring of

good wishes by visitors to his website which had received more than

4000 messages.


Message board:

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Szalenie smutno mi to pisać.


27 minut temu Agence France-Presse podała co następuje:


NEW ZEALAND icon Peter Raymond George "Possum" Bourne, whose motor rallying exploits and engaging personality made him a household name, has died. He was 47.


Bourne, New Zealand's only professional rally driver, was critically injured in a car crash on April 18 and had been in a drug-induced coma since undergoing surgery for severe head, chest and leg injuries.


On Monday his family decided that life support systems would be gradually decreased as the brain injury Bourne sustained was severe and continuing "full life support is no longer in Possum's best interests".


Bourne, who became the public face of New Zealand rallying, was born in 1956 in Pukekohe and was originally named Peter, but acquired his nickname as a result of a teenage driving indiscretion.


He rolled his mother's car when avoiding a possum on the way back from a mechanic's course in Auckland.


A member of New Zealand Motorsport's Wall of Fame, Bourne began his rallying career in 1979, driving a Mark 1 Cortina with a V8 engine in which he gained third placing in the first rally he entered.


The result inspired him to become a professional rally driver and by 1983 he had attracted the attention of Japanese car manufacturer Subaru, who backed his New Zealand rally campaigns.


Further strong results followed and encouraged Subaru in 1986 to support him in rally events in Australia. Asia, Africa, the United States and Great Britain.


By the mid-1990s Bourne had established himself as the most successful rally driver in the southern hemisphere, a position he cemented with a string of victories right up until his death.


But these successes were achieved at a cost. In 1993 Bourne was driving when long time co-driver, friend and business partner Rodger Freeth was killed in a spectacular accident on the first day of the World Championship round in Australia.


Devastated by the tragedy Bourne continued driving, dedicating the 1993 Asia Pacific Championship he subsequently won to his deceased friend.


A seven-time Australian rally champion, Bourne was New Zealand Champion in 1991 and Asia Pacific Champion in 1993, 1994 and 2000.


This year Bourne achieved a long held ambition to drive on the world rally circuit.


It was a belated reward for a driver who had frequently taken on the world's best in New Zealand and Australia in inferior machinery and outperformed many of them.


He came fourth in the first round in Sweden in February, although he had never competed on snow before.


Despite his failure to finish in the New Zealand round of championship earlier this month, Bourne was in seventh place in the championship.


Interviewed last year after winning his seventh consecutive Australian championship, Bourne was asked whether he would try for another.


"Yes. I'm doing what I like doing. The trouble is that in a materialistic world people seem to think when you've done it once why would you do it again," he said.


"They fail to understand the reason you do it is not for the results, but because we're doing what we want to do and we've worked damn hard to put together the best team in this part of the world.


"The only hard thing is the time away from home. I have fantastic support from Peggy and the three kids. They hate seeing me go and when I ring up they ask whether I've won the rally yet. They don't expect anything but wins."

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