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(bruno na westiwalu katolickich kapel rockowych)


- Do you think that if you change the Bible stories, maybe you will get people more easy to relate zum zem?

- I don't think you need to change anything

- But if you had, instead of the fish story, did it about sushi, or you did, instead of giving out bread, you did something which had a no-carb alternative, or something without gluten, zen people could relate to it

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(rozmowa o przemocy w TV i imitowaniu zachowań widzianych w filmach)


With full respekt, that is BS (that stands for bullshit) because if me watch Star Trek that don't mean that me go out and build a spaceship and fly into the air and above that into the thing called space and have all them ears and all that thing.



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SAVE AFRICA buehehehe... :lol: Africa...


[ Dodano: Wto Sie 01, 2006 3:29 pm ]

Do you want him to grow up to be a footballer like his dad or a singer, like Mariah Carey? :mrgreen:


[ Dodano: Wto Sie 01, 2006 3:35 pm ]

David, they say posh people talk if is they got a plum in their mouth. Does you misses some posh when she got your plum in her mouth? :wink:


[ Dodano: Wto Sie 01, 2006 3:38 pm ]

Come on, let's see your red nose. :mrgreen:

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