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Tempomat hawkeye


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Taki temat


Hawkeye, 2.5 NA.


Nie działa tempomat, na serwisie nie starczyło czasu, ale może ktoś podpowie co warto sprawdzić ?


Zapala się cruise i na tym koniec, nie zależnie od prędkości nie da się uswawić SET.

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Przed chwilą byłem sprawdzić, oba wyglądają ok.


Na znalazłem takie coś:


The cruise control system has a fail-safe function that cancels the cruise control operation when any of the following conditions occurs.

•The cruise control system is deactivated if any of the cruise control switches (SET/COAST, RESUME/ACCEL, and CANCEL switches) is turned ON while any of the cancellation signal generating switches (brake, stop light, clutch, and neutral switches) is being operated. The system is re-activated when the cruise control switch is turned OFF and then turn ON again after the cancellation signal generating switch has been returned to its released position.
• When the MAIN switch is turned ON while any of the command switches is in the ON position,the cruise control system is deactivated. The system deactivating function is retained until the MAIN switch is turned OFF.

The cruise control system is deactivated and the set speed is also canceled if any of the following abnormalities occurs in the system’s electric circuits.
• The system deactivation function is retained until the ignition switch is turned OFF.
• Abnormality of the command switch is detected.
• Abnormality of the stop light switch and brake switch is detected.
• Abnormality of the neutral switch is detected.
• Abnormality of the ignition switch is detected.
• Change in vehicle speed signal is detected.
• Abnormality in any of the engine related sensors is detected.
• Abnormality of the brake switch input circuit in the engine control module (ECM) is detected.
• The MAIN switch and command switch were already ON when the ignition switch is turned ON.

• When any of the following conditions is met, the cruise control is cancelled.
•To set the cruise control again, the vehicle speed must be returned to within the speed setting range and necessary conditions must be met.
• Abnormal engine speed acceleration is detected.
• The vehicle speed has dropped below the lower control limit during cruise control driving.
•The vehicle has been running at speed higher than the set speed for an abnormally long time during cruise controlled driving.
• The set speed became impossible to be maintained for some reason (steep upgrade, hand brake operation, abnormal engine power drop, etc.).,"



• Abnormality of the neutral switch is detected.


Czy w tym przypadku chodzi o czujnik biegu jałowego ?


Czy ew. awaria tego czujnika objawia się w jakikolwiek sposób ? Z tego co pamiętam, znajomy miał to uszkodzone w STI, ale nie wymieniał bo...nie miało to żadnego wpływu na auto.

Jakieś pomysły forumowi wyjadacze ?

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Wygląda ok patrząc przez pryzmat tego problemu/ przypadku:






Przy jakiej predkosci i na jakim biegu probojesz wlaczyc tempomat?

Przy każdej ;) dzisiaj przy 60, 70 i 80 milach

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dżizas, moj angielski nie jest za dobry ale jak mam czytac co wypocil translator to juz w ogole nic nie rozumiem :lol:


to ze switch jest mechanicznie ok nie oznacza ze jest sprawny. Schemat i multimetr twoim przyjacielem ;)

Edytowane przez Pajak Wlochaty
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